As a potential member of the Chamber of Commerce whether it’s as an individual or an organization I really would encourage folks to join because of the networking opportunities and the ability to just get out there and meet new folks. From the small community bank to my individual company employing ten people to one of the largest Insurance companies in the country, there is a benefit to every one of these organizations.
Perhaps what surprised me most about the Chamber of Commerce is the Supplier Diversity education and awareness initiative. Being a minority, women owned enterprise we depend heavily on the strategic partnerships we have with leading companies in the diversity space. This journey began with becoming certified as a minority supplier. AICC is facilitating this in a big way. They will help you thru’ the whole process and get you face-to-face with many of the regional and national certification agencies.
To me, I feel that sometimes people think that it is such a large organization and they won’t be seen or heard or listened to and that’s not the case. Most people that are members are small business members so you will be just one of them that wants to help create a better community and make a better way of life.
One huge thing as a member of the Asian Indian Chamber of Commerce is the word of mouth referrals. There are chamber members and organizations that are going to go to other chamber members and organizations for products and services they need, before looking elsewhere.
My advise to small businesses is to look at it, talk to members of the chamber that might have similar interests or are of a similar size, and what their return on investment is. I can tell you from my experience that my return on investment has been substantial. Talk to other MBE/SBE certified members and see how they have benefited from certification.
Whether you’re an established company or just starting out, there are so many ways for you to invest in your business and I will say one of the most critical investments you can make would be a membership in the Asian Indian Chamber of Commerce really, because we’re about growing the economic pie. More customers to your door more opportunities to have revenue come through your place of business; that’s what we do.